
Keep your production of ophthalmic solutions safe with our reliable, sterile filtration.

Today’s ophthalmic prescriptive drugs and lens care solutions use a variety of additives that enhance the user experience, improve comfort, and boost efficacy. However, these additives play havoc with filtration systems.

Amazon Filters can implement an optimised filtration system that guarantees the sterility of your final product. All while maximising throughputs and reducing processing times.

Improve repeatability 

Variability in cellulose-based additives, such as HPMC and CMC, can cause issues at the mixing step where components don't fully dissolve.

Your filtration system can cause further precipitation of the cellulose-based solution. We carefully design and select your filtration solution to eliminate these problems and provide trouble-free processing.


Reduce product loss

If your preservatives are below specification concentration, your filtration membrane could be the culprit.

We mitigate adsorption in the membrane by flowing to the drain until the required specification is reached. Or we can recirculate to fully saturate the membrane with preservatives.


Get sterile and reliable filtration for ophthalmic solutions.

Our specialist team has over 30 years of experience supplying high-quality filtration systems. Talk to us today to fine-tune filtration for your ophthalmic solutions. 

Minimise your production costs

You can size ophthalmic solutions that mostly contain preservatives at much higher flux rates. All without affecting the quality of your final product. 

We can deliver a filter with a high flux rate membrane and low preservative binding characteristics. This reduces your cost per litre, as you can process more batches per day.


What working with Amazon Filters can do for you

By shifting the focus to lifetime savings, you can ensure consistent, high-quality output without impairing production; all whilst improving your bottom line.

Let’s get started

We'll make sure you're getting the best out of your ophthalmic filtration system.