10th Oct 2023

The importance of sustainable filtration solutions

Demand for sustainable filtration solutions is higher than ever as companies across the process industry look to reduce their carbon footprints. From investing in long-lasting, sustainably sourced filters to developing more energy-efficient processes, filtration is a great place to start if you're looking for ways to become more sustainable. Here's why.

Why sustainable filtration solutions should be top of your agenda

Public pressure

Most of us appreciate the extent of the climate crisis that faces the planet. Recent years have seen widespread news coverage as scientists urge governments to act, and this has increased public pressure on companies to improve their green credentials.

Your partners, consumers, and even employees want to know you're doing everything possible to reduce waste and minimise your carbon footprint. For manufacturers, this includes taking positive steps, like installing solar panels on factory roofs to draw more energy from renewable sources or using recycled cardboard packaging.

Consumer preferences

Consumer behaviour is leaning towards more sustainable habits. This extends beyond the individual to encompass companies and their wider supply chains. 

68% of consumers say businesses must ensure their suppliers meet high standards of social and environmental practices. In response, many downstream companies will only work with sustainable, eco-friendly manufacturers.

'Being sustainable' is a commitment to making responsible decisions that reduce your impact on the planet. This begins with simple changes. For example, investing in longer-lasting filtration solutions or working with suppliers to ensure your filters are the right size for your processes. Correctly sizing your filters reduces change-out frequency, which means your processes can run uninterrupted for longer and you produce less waste. It can also lower the total lifetime costs of your filters.How correct filter sizing reduces your carbon footprint-whiteSustainable filtration solutions are about more than reducing waste. Equally important are the steps you take to develop more energy-efficient processes.

According to one study, most senior executives and investment professionals will pay a 10% premium to acquire a company with a positive environmental, social, and governance (ESG) record. Similarly, 23% of UK consumers will pay more for goods and services if helps the provider reduce their carbon footprint.

Consumers also favour brands that embrace circular practices, such as...

  • Repair
  • Refurbishment
  • Reuse
  • Recycling

...that help regenerate natural systems.

Discover how the right filtration partner supports your people and processes with bespoke technology and industry expertise.

Environmental compliance

Manufacturers must comply with a range of environmental laws, regulations, and standards. These differ from country to country. The UK alone has hundreds of environmental laws that cover everything from water quality to habitat protection, many of which have a direct impact on today's filtration systems and processes.

Frequent change-outs and improper handling of hazardous materials can drastically increase your carbon footprint. But you can minimise the impact by working with filter suppliers that use sustainable methods to manage filtration processes, waste, and disposal.

Sustainable filter suppliers:

  1. Have a comprehensive environmental protection policy
  2. Are ISO 14001:2015 certified 

Thought leaders predict that low-carbon manufacturing and industrial systems will stimulate positive change in nearly every industry over the coming years. Manufacturers will design products with sustainability and ethical material sourcing in mind. So, complying with government rules and regulations now will prepare you for the future.

Financial and operational benefits

Companies of every size are engaged in sustainability efforts, and nearly all of them have experienced financial and operational benefits.

In one report, 70% of manufacturers said their last environmental improvement helped to reduce costs – chiefly by enabling them to become more energy and resource-efficient. Operational pressures are also a key driver for adopting more sustainable practices. Many companies say demand from other parts of the supply chain influenced their decision to implement greener processes.

Other drivers of sustainability focussed operational change include:

  • Reputation and company image
  • Investor attractiveness
  • Backlash against greenwashing

How a filtration manufacturer can support your sustainability initiatives

You don't have to sacrifice quality or efficiency to be greener. The best filter suppliers work with you to provide sustainable filtration solutions that fit seamlessly into your processes. They also identify the small changes you can make today that will protect the planet tomorrow.

Do more with less

Sustainable filter manufacturers help you minimise waste with quality, long-lasting filters made from eco-friendly materials. When shipping filters, they bundle them together in sustainably sourced, cardboard or paper packaging to reduce the amount of plastic that goes to landfill. 

Streamline your processes

Size matters when it comes to filtration. Sustainably-minded suppliers provide customised solutions to ensure they fit your filtration systems and processes perfectly. Not only does this minimise downtime and change-out frequency, but it also improves energy efficiency and raises the quality of your final product.

Expert support and advice

Customers are wary of companies that greenwash their offerings. By working with a sustainable filter manufacturer who shares your green values, you get the support you need to ensure your filtration processes comply with government regulations and achieve your corporate ESG goals.

Protecting our shared future

Sustainable filtration solutions are an investment in our future. Forward-thinking manufacturers that embrace sustainably sourced materials, energy-efficient processes, and circular design principles play a small yet crucial role in preserving the planet's delicate ecological balance.

For more pragmatic manufacturers, sustainable filtration solutions let you run your processes for longer in between change-outs. Aside from minimising waste, this increases the total lifetime value of your filters and reduces your costs.

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