Chemicals and coatings
9th Apr 2024

Countdown begins to ChemUK 2024

Amazon Filters will return to the annual international expo ChemUK in May to showcase how our products support critical processes across the chemical, laboratory and process industries.

We will be at the two-day event at the NEC in Birmingham explaining the benefits of our filters, housings and solutions for attendees including chemical plant operators, supply chain manufacturers and other specialist producers and companies.

ChemUK is one of the world’s biggest and most influential conferences and trade shows to focus on today’s chemical, biochemical and formulated product sectors.

Among more than 150 expert speakers giving presentations will be industry leaders from UK companies, multinationals, trade associations, regulators and professional user groups.

The expo features more than 500 exhibitors across four show zones: Chemicals Supply; Process & Chemical Engineering; Chemicals Management; and Chemical Laboratory.

We’ll be right in the heart of the buzz, on stand E46. As in previous years, we’ll highlight how our products help with process reliability, sustainability and operator health and safety including in critical applications such as API production.

We’ll highlight how our ongoing investment programme in ‘quick and able’ production capabilities gives customers peace of mind about robust design and manufacture and continuity of supply.

Last year’s ChemUK saw a 41% increase in visitor numbers compared to 2022 and we are hopeful once again of generating leads among a quality range of customer prospects.

ChemUK takes place at the NEC Birmingham on 15 and 16 May 2024. For more information, visit or search #CHEMUK on social media.

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