Amazon Filters Blog

How to reduce waste in filtration manufacturing

Written by Amazon Filters | December 7, 2021

With businesses under increasing scrutiny to adopt sustainable practices, it’s important to consider how invested your filter manufacturing partner is in improving their own green credentials.

Although waste may be unavoidable in filtration manufacturing, there are tactics your partner can employ to reduce, reuse, and recycle their waste.

Environmental controls

Firstly, your supplier can consider ways in which they can reduce their electricity consumption and minimise their carbon footprint. For example, Amazon Filters has introduced:

  • Timers on air-con controls to prevent overnight use
  • A process to keep cargo unit doors shut for more efficient heating and cooling
  • Preventative maintenance schedules to extend the lifecycle of equipment
  • LED lighting throughout factories, saving a huge 90,000 kWh per year
  • Solar panels on all manufacturing buildings to generate our own electricity

Reducing packaging

Although packaging is essential for the safe delivery of filters, replacing plastic with paper will also help reduce a filtration manufacturer’s carbon footprint.

Amazon Filters, for example, has swapped bleached card for brown card, PVC tape for paper tape, and PU foam for paper packaging.

While these may not sound like huge changes, it all adds up, and creates a large impact at scale.

Extending filter life

Correctly sizing filters has a huge impact on waste reduction. Incorrectly sized filters don’t last as long, meaning you need to replace them more frequently. The fewer filters you use, the less waste you create, and the more money you save. 

Amazon Filter’s Kilbac filter cartridges, for example, are designed to stop bacterial growth on the filter, which extends its life and helps to reduce waste.

We take pride in helping our customers extend the life of their filters and can offer advice bespoke to your specific requirements.

Reusing by-products

Waste products don’t have to go straight into the bin. Often, you can reuse them for other manufacturing processes. Amazon Filters, for example, managed to save 73 tonnes of polypropylene and 33 tonnes of nylon with this approach, reusing them in other manufacturing processes.


Your supplier needs to take its recycling policy seriously. From the creation of its filters to their packaging, to the electricity used in factories, your supplier should be mindful at all times of opportunities to recycle.

At Amazon Filters, we are proud to have recycled over 200 tonnes of waste in 2020 – the equivalent of our employees recycling one tonne of rubbish each!

Reducing waste is vital

As conversations about sustainability continue, choosing a filter manufacturer that is dedicated to minimising waste is vital.

A partner who prioritises the implementation of sustainability measures not only helps the planet but meets increasing customer demand for sustainable practices. With 73% of businesses investing in sustainability to improve their brand reputation, customers aren’t just concerned about your business, but the partners you choose to work with.